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Don't Worry Just Send The Photos And Complete Model Of Your Lens At 03444457103 And Ask For Advice.
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It moves the lens farther from the film or digital sensor. The farther away the lens is, the closer the focus, the greater the magnification.
This extension tube does not affect image quality as there is no optics inside. In comparison, a close up filters are often blamed for degrading image quality.
Brand new, never used
Made of metal (not plastic)
Adjustable Length
This extension tube consists of 5 parts
1.Camera Body Mount Adapter
2.Lens Mount Adapter
3.Tube 1
4.Tube 2
5.Tube 3
The more tubes you add, the closer the focus and the greater the magnification.
There are no electrical contacts in the extension tubes. Exposure has to be adjusted manually. Aperture control is not available if you use a lens which does not allow you to manually adjust the aperture (without an aperture ring).
Package includes
Macro Extension Tube Set x1
Suitable for:
All E mount cameras, such as NEX-5 / NEX-3 / NEX-C3/ NEX-F3 etc.
If for A7/A7II series, there's dark corner on the photo.