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It's the ideal lighting modifier for your speedlite. The softbox front designed with diffuser, turns your speedlite into a ring flash to get perfect lighting and offers even and smooth light. It's huge surface this then ensures the even and smooth light completely surrounds the lens and produces virtually shadow free images.
The Round Flash adds those much desired "catch-lights" into the eyes of your model's portraits and the inner diffuser assures the correct light distribution and eliminates any hotspots on the front panel. Perfectly eliminate the deep shadows and harsh light that you always see when shooting your speedlite bare bulb and easily take impeccable shots of both people and products either in a studio or location based environment.
Just use your shoe mount as a ring flash. No need for extra cable, bracket or power supply. Simply mount the Round Flash on the camera. A particularly simple folding mechanism and an perfectly even and circular illumination.
Fits most DSLR's w/standard & telephoto lenses & flash combos
Maximum diameter is 45cm, inner diameter is 13cm
Turns your speedlite into a ring flash to get perfect lighting
Comes with a thread for flash unit to fix and adjust width
Skeleton is made of magnetic iron, easy to fold and carry
Material: fabric and iron rods
Skeleton is made of magnetic iron
Maximum diameter is 45cm, inner diameter is 18cm
Fits most DSLR's w/standard & telephoto lenses & flash combos
Package Includes:
1 x 18" Ring softbox
1 x Carrying Bag