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New 67mm to 72mm Step-Up Ring Adapter
The 67mm-72mm ring adapter easily screws onto the front of any 67mm lens, and converts the
thread size of your lens to the thread size of any other 72mm accessory (such as UV CPL ND
filters, hoods, flashes and lens converters).
Extremely solid and lightweight. Specifically designed for your camera for a tight and
secure fit. No wobbling or cross-threading.
Your camera's lens thread size will be marked somewhere on the lens barrel. This number is
always preceded by a "Ø" (diameter) symbol. For example: Ø72 = 72mm lens thread size. This
number can also often be found printed on the back side of your lens cap.
The first number is always the lens thread size, the second number is the filter size of
the accessory. If the first number is bigger, it's a step-down ring. If the first number is
smaller, it's a step-up.
A must have accessory to unlock the full potential of your camera!
Accessory only. Camera and filter UV not included.