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Works with the RX8 Pro or SP-RX8 Pro. - UHF transmitter with 48 channels. - The cardioid dynamic microphone captures clean and natural sound. - It has an easy-to-read LCD display. - Group A and B are selectable. - It is powered by two AA batteries
Product Introduction
The BOYA BY-WHM8 Pro is a UHF wireless handheld microphone transmitter, which can work with the RX8 Pro or SP-RX8 Pro. Featuring UHF transmission technology and optional 48 frequency bands, it is able to work smoothly in a signal-crowded scenario. The BY-WHM8 Pro features a cardioid dynamic capsule that allows it to accurately capture the target sound. Meanwhile, users can select group channel A or B through the easy-to-read LCD display. Like the RX8 Pro, it is also powered by two AA batteries
Product Parameters